School Supplies


Supply List


- 6 boxes Crayola crayons (24-count, primary colors, no washable)
- 1 washable markers (8-10 broad tip)
- 2 highlighter markers
- 1 clear zippered pencil pouch (3-hole)
- 1 box of tissues
- 2 yellow 3-prong plastic folders with pockets
- 8 Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 pencil box (plastic)
- 2 headphones (no Bluetooth)
- 1 pair Fiskar scissors (blunt edge)
- 8 black dry erase markers (optional)
- 1 3-ring binder (1–1.5 inch) with clear front pocket
- 24 #2 pencils

First Grade

- 48 #2 pencils (sharpened)
- 5 glue sticks (small is best)
- 1 pair metal blade scissors
- 2 boxes Crayola crayons (24-count)
- 1 box thin Crayola markers
- 1 box thick Crayola markers
- 2 sets headphones/earbuds (no Bluetooth, labeled in gallon-sized Ziploc)
- 8 Expo dry erase markers (black/blue)
- 1 pack colored pencils
- 1 white binder (1/2 inch, clear front pocket)
- 1 pencil box
- 1 highlighter
- 1 primary composition notebook
- 1 blue and 1 yellow 3-prong plastic folders with pockets

Second Grade

- 36 #2 pencils (sharpened)
- 3 boxes Crayola crayons (24-count)
- 5 glue sticks
- 3 plastic pocket folders with fasteners (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue)
- 2 composition books (wide-ruled)
- 1 pair scissors
- 1 plastic rectangular pencil box
- 12 black dry erase markers
- 2 sets headphones (if broken, family must replace)
- 1 highlighter
- 1 3-ring binder (1-inch, clear front)

Third Grade

- 36 yellow #2 pencils (sharpened)
- 1 personal pencil sharpener (manual)
- 1 pack colored pencils (12-count)
- 1 box crayons (24-count)
- 4 composition notebooks (no spiral)
- 4 plastic folders with prongs (green, red, black, blue)
- 1 pack cap erasers
- 1 pair scissors
- 1 pencil pouch/box
- 1 highlighter (yellow)
- 1 10-pack dry erase markers (thin tip)
- 2 headphones/earbuds (labeled in Ziploc)
- 1 pack notebook paper
- 1 pack glue sticks (large)

Fourth Grade

- 36 #2 pencils (sharpened)
- 1 pack cap erasers
- 1 pack colored pencils
- 1 box red pens
- 1 1.5-inch binder (3-ring)
- 4 composition notebooks (no spiral)
- 4 highlighters
- 1 pack index cards
- 5 dividers (with pockets)
- 1 pair scissors
- 2 packs wide-ruled notebook paper
- 2 pairs headphones/earbuds
- 1 pencil pouch (no boxes)
- 1 pack dry erase markers (4 count)
- 1 pack sticky notes
- 4 large glue sticks

Fifth Grade

-1 Packs of 36 #2 pencils  
-1 pack of cap erasers
-1- personal pencil sharpener (manual) 
-3 Composition notebooks- NO SPIRALS
-1 Pack Highlighters
-4 plastic folders with prongs (one of each color: green, red, black, and blue)
-1  Pair of headphones or earbuds (labeled, and placed in a ziplock bag)
-1 Pack large glue sticks
-1 pair of scissors 
-1 box of tissue
-1- Pack colored pencils, 12 count
 -1-Pack of washable markers 
-2 packs of index cards
-1 pack of notebook paper
-1 Ruler
-Clorox Wipes 
-Hand sanitizer 
-Hand soap

Sixth Grade

-2 packs of 36 # 2 pencils sharpened
-1 Pack of cap erasers
-1 Pack Colored Pencils
-1 Box of Red Ball Point Pens
-1   1  ½ in binder (three ring)
-4 Composition notebooks (no spiral)
-4 Highlighters
-1 index cards
-5 Dividers WITH POCKETS for the binder
-1 Scissors
-2 Packs of wide ruled notebook paper
-2 Pair of headphones or earbuds
-1  Pencil Pouch-No PENCIL BOXES
-1  Pack of Dry Erase Markers (4 in pack)
-1  Pack of Sticky Notes
-4 Large Glue Sticks

Gifted/Extended Studies (Optional)

- Erasable pens
- Cardstock (any color)
- Post-it notes
- Thin markers
- Colored pencils
- Astrobrights paper (8.5x11)
- Disinfecting wipes (for tables)
- Wet wipes (for hands)
- Ziploc bags (quart/gallon size)

Art (Optional)

- 3-prong folder
- Black or colored Sharpies
- Washable markers
- Baby wipes

Music (3rd–5th Grades)

- 1 recorder (instrument available at local music stores or AES Music Dept. for $5)


- Backpack
- Nap mat
- Art smock (waterproof)
- Expo dry erase markers
- Crayons (4 boxes, large/jumbo preferred)
- Fat pencils
- 1/2 inch binder
- 4-pack playdough
- Ziploc bags