Assessment and Accountability
The mission of the Assessment Department is to coordinate and support all aspects associated with the administration of high-quality assessments that provide reliable information that can be used as the basis for making valid educational decisions.
K-12 State Assessments
FAQ for Computer Adaptive Testing
Florida Assessment of Student Thinking(FAST) Assessments
The FAST progress monitoring and coordinated screening program includes VPK through grade 10 English Language Arts (ELA) Reading and VPK through grade 8 Mathematics assessments that are aligned to the B.E.S.T. standards and are administered three times per year.
The state has put out a frequently asked questions doc for computer adaptive testing.
End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments
Students in any grade completing courses in Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology 1, U.S. History, or Civics
Students in grades 5 and 8
Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (BEST) Writing Assessment
For the 2022-23 school year, Writing will be administered as a field to a representative sample of Florida students during the spring administration.
ACCESS for English Language Learners
Students in grades K–12, currently classified as English Language Learners, with a code of "LY" participate in ACCESS for ELLs assessments.
FCLE (Florida Civic Literacy Exam)
Students in any grade completing a U.S. Government course
FAA (Florida Alternate Assessment)
Students with significant cognitive disabilities whose participation in the general statewide assessment, even with accommodations, is not appropriate (Bureau of K-12 Student Assessment)
National and International Assessments
Representative samples of students selected to participate in NAEP, PISA, PIRLS, and TIMSS (Office of Assessment)

Rodney Ivey,
Supervisor of Assessment and Accountability
Email Rodney Ivey
Phone: 904-336-9639