OneClay Community Hub

Welcome to our community hub, a space dedicated to fostering connection and support for our K-12 families! Here, you'll find resources, updates, and opportunities to engage with our schools and fellow community members. Whether you're a parent, student, educator, or simply a resident invested in the success of our children, this page serves as a central point for information and collaborative growth within our vibrant school district.

Local, State, or National Contest Competition

Please use this form to submit event/contest information for consideration to be shared with CCDS. Successful completion of this form will result in consideration for inclusion and promotion to our teachers/students. This will not guarantee promotion and/or participation. Any event that does not align with the mission of CCDS will not be promoted internally or on the CCDS website. Events approved for inclusion will be added to the teacher promotional materials for the current school year (annual events must be resubmitted each year).

Requests must be submitted to Clay County District Schools at least 60 days before the submission due date.

*Clay County District Schools will not be responsible for facilitating the collection and/or judging of works for any contest or event, nor for recognizing the winner(s) at a school or district event. CCDS will not be responsible for marketing this contest on district or school social media.

Clay County District Schools provides information about student contests as a community service. This does not constitute an endorsement of the sponsoring organization. Participation is at the discretion of the student and their family.