Doing Business with the District
DemandStar Partnership
The Clay County District Schools welcomes the opportunity for a business relationship with interested merchants. The Purchasing Department is committed to providing professional and efficient procurement services while supporting the activities of the School District.
Our partnership with DemandStar allows for vendors to register their business within our management database and bid tool. Participation is completely voluntary, and the registration process is quick, easy, and 100% online.
Vendors May Click on the Demand Star Link Above to Register Online
In an effort to improve communication with vendors, reduce administrative costs and streamline our procurement process, the Clay County District Schools publishes all Invitations to Bid (ITB), Requests for Proposals (RFP), Invitations to Negotiate (ITN), through DemandStar and/or the Purchasing Webpage Open Bids and RFPs Tab. It is the sole responsibility of all vendors to check for current solicitations via both methods. All ITBs, RFPs, and ITNs submitted must be received and time stamped with the Purchasing Department prior to the time specified in the solicitation.
Policy Reference Bid/Quote Limits: Except as authorized by law or rule, competitive solicitations shall be requested from three (3) or more reputable sources for any authorized commodities or contractual services exceeding $50,000 or more. The School Board may not divide the procurement of commodities or contractual services so as to avoid this monetary threshold requirement. For expenditures less than $50,000 and when practical, quotations will be requested as follows:
$40,000 – $49,999: Formal Written Sealed Quotes
$25,000 – $39,999: Written Quotes from 3 or More Qualified Vendors
$10,000 – $24,999: Documented Telephone Quotes from 2 or More Qualified Vendors
A Purchase Order issued by the Purchasing Department or from School Internal Accounts is the only legal authorization for vendors to perform services or provide commodities to the District. A commitment, either written or verbal, from District employees without a Purchase Order issued by the Purchasing Department or from School Internal Accounts does not constitute an obligation by the District to a vendor. Vendors that perform services or provide commodities without a Purchase Order issued by the Purchasing Department or from School Internal Accounts do so at their own risk and at risk of non-payment. It is the sole responsibility of all vendors to understand by accepting a District and/or School Purchase Order that vendor shall be in agreement to all District Purchase Order Terms and Conditions.
Fingerprinting and Clearance
Vendors and their employees or agents who have access to school grounds when students are present, have direct contact with students, or have access to or control of school funds must remain in compliance with the Florida Statute 1012.465, 467, 468 and School Board Policy 2.02 regarding Fingerprinting/ Background checks of Non-Instructional Contractors.
Vendors May Click on the Information Link Above for the Process
Effective January 1, 2021, pursuant to Fla. Stat. § 448.095, all Contractors shall use the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all employees hired during the term of an agreement. Contractors shall also require all subcontractors performing work under an agreement to use the E-Verify system for any employees they may hire during the term of the agreement. See Section 448.095 of the Florida Statutes for all requirements.
Vendors May Click on the Link Above for More Information