Home Education
2306 Kingsley Ave., Bldg. #20 Orange Park, FL 32073
(Located on the campus of Orange Park High School in the blue buildings closest to Blanding Blvd.)
Welcome to Home Education!
Home Education is defined by Florida Statute, as "the sequentially progressive instruction of a student directed by his or her parent or guardian, in order to satisfy attendance requirements of SS.1002.41, 1003.01 (4) and 1003.21 (1)."
To home school, parents are withdrawing the student from public school. The parent takes on all the roles and responsibilities of educating the student including: curriculum and instruction, materials, and record keeping. Home school students are NOT public school students even though the home education program is registered in the school district.
This site contains information about the Home Education Program. The materials provided will give you the necessary information to initiate and maintain a Home Education Program for your child(ren).
Florida Statute 1002.41 requires that you notify the District Superintendent or designee in writing of your intent to initiate a Home Education Program. In order to register, we have provided this simple online intent to homeschool form. You may also email a letter of intent that includes at a minimum your student’s full legal name, date of birth, residential address in Clay County, and program start date to Email HSC Info, or mail a letter with that information to the Home Education Office. For accuracy in our school district registration system, additional information may be requested at the time of registration.
Important: The Clay County School District is not authorized by the Florida Department of Education to award high school diplomas to home educated students. Home Education students are NOT eligible to participate in CCDS public high school graduation ceremonies. Final school transcripts for home education students are prepared by the parent/guardian.
Home Education News
End of the Year Testing

Home education students are NOT required to participate in state testing. However, IF you would like your child to participate in End-of-Year testing (FAST/End-of-Course Exams) through Clay County, please contact the guidance counselor at your child's zoned school for dates and test registration information before March 1st. Prior registration is required for Home Educated students to test. Students will need to show proof of age/grade required immunizations or exemption. Students with disabilities when registering for testing will need to provide a copy of their most recent IEP or 504 plan for accommodations to be provided during testing.
High School Diplomas

IMPORTANT: The Clay County School District is not authorized by the Florida Department of Education to award high school diplomas to home educated student.
Home education students DO NOT receive a public high school diploma, do not receive a final high school transcript from CCDS, and do not participate in public high school graduation ceremonies.
In order to receive a high school diploma, students must re-enroll in a public high school option for at least their senior year and meet all state graduation requirements.
Clay Virtual Academy

Are you interested in virtual options using the FLVS flex program with Clay County Teachers for your home educated student? Click here to visit Clay Virtual Academy.