Instructional Resources

Welcome to the Instructional Resources Department!

The Instructional Resources Department, which includes Dual Enrollment materials, Instructional Materials, and Library Media Services, supports schools to ensure the most appropriate educational resources for effective teaching and learning are available.  

The Instructional Resources Department has four principles that  affirm alignment with the mission and vision of the School District of Clay County:

  • Every district resource must center on student learning.

  • High-quality teaching drives student learning.

  • The learning needs of every student must be met.

  • Every interaction will be courteous, professional, accommodating, and timely.

Instructional Resources Department
23 South Green Street Suite 406A
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
Phone: 904-336-6915

Instructional Resources Links

Adopted Curriculum and Approved Supplemental Curriculum

The Clay County School District parents and guardians can find a list of currently adopted instructional materials(i.e. textbooks).

The CCDS OneClay Portal provides students and teachers with a complete list of digital applications adopted by the district.

Access The Public Portal

Learn about the process to request a physical or digital material be reconsidered

CCDS Objection Form 

Learn about the process to request a physical or digital material be reconsidered.