Multi-Tiered System of Support
Welcome to OneClay MTSS!
What is MTSS?
The One Clay Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is the way that our district schools organize and provide education and support to ensure that all students receive the instruction they need to be successful. We know that the best way to ensure student achievement is to match instruction to the needs of our students. As a MTSS, our district intentionally monitors student progress to ensure that all students receive effective instruction and that additional support is provided when needed.
Tier 1
Tier 1 refers to all students' instruction in all subject areas. CCDS schools intentionally design and deliver high quality Tier 1 instruction to ensure that all students will demonstrate mastery of grade level expectations.
Tier 2
Some students will need additional support even when provided with effective Tier 1 instruction. Tier 2 interventions are organized by skill area and delivered to small groups of students. When Tier 2 interventions are provided, they are provided in addition to Tier 1 for as long as necessary for students to successfully master grade level expectations.
Tier 3
Tier 3 interventions are provided when effective Tier 1 and Tier 2 are not enough for a student to master grade level expectations. Tier 3 is designed for individual students or very small groups of students.
How Are Families Connected to the One Clay MTSS?
Student outcomes are improved when schools and families collaborate to support student learning. One way to learn more about MTSS in your child’s school is by talking with your child’s teacher. Here are some questions you can use to start the conversation:
Is my student meeting academic and behavioral expectations? How do we know?
If additional instruction or intervention is needed, what support will be given to my student?
How often will I be updated on my student’s progress?
What can I do to support my student at home?
Robin Rae, Supervisor of MTSS