Project R.E.A.C.H/Homeless Education
Requisite Education and Academics for Clay's Homeless
The Project R.E.A.C.H./Homeless Education Program is designed to help students who are experiencing housing transition issues with school-related services, as well as collaborating with Community Partners to offer assistance with issues outside of the school environment.
email: phone: 904-336-0491
Supervisor of Federal Programs
Ryan Widdowson
phone: 904-336-6908 | ext 6 6908
Project REACH Specialist
Jacquelyn (Jackie) Lawson, M. Ed.
phone: 904-336-0491 | ext 6 0491
cell 904-451-4549 (call or text)
McKinney-Vento Liaison,/ Title I Social Worker
Carolina Thompson, LCSW
phone: 904-336-0491 | ext 6 0491
cell 904-386-6011 (call or text)
We are in immediate need of the following items:
Black Expo Markers (Thick) | Watercolor Sets |
4 Function Calculators | Disinfecting Wipes |
Post-Its | 1 Inch Binders |
Fiskar Scissors | Gas Cards |
Male Underwear & Socks (Elementary-High School) | Pencil Pouches |