Report Bullying
Clay County School District believes that all students and employees be afforded a setting that is safe, secure and free from bullying and harassment of any kind In compliance with Florida Statute 1006.147. The school district had adopted a comprehensive policy prohibiting bullying and harassment.
Click on the form and complete it. If you have any questions you can contact the Climate and Culture office at 904-336-6552
Students should report the complaint directly to a teacher, guidance counselor, or administrator. (If the accused harasser/bully/hazer should be the principal, students should contact the Director of Academic Support.
Students should tell their parents.
Students may ask their teacher, counselor, or parent to help them report the incident to their principal or assistant principal at school.
Details of who, what, when, where, and how will be needed in each of the choices
CCDS Bullying Hotline
Call 904-336-6799