Who is a School Psychologist?

A School Psychologist is specifically trained in the psychology of learning and child development, as well as social and emotional adjustment.  The School Psychologist works with all school personnel, parents, and students to help make education as rewarding as possible.

  • The practice of school psychology requires a graduate degree including at least 2 years of advanced training and an internship.  School Psychologists are certified and/or licensed by the State and many hold national certification.

    • Seven of our 20 School Psychologists are Nationally Certified through the National School Psychology Certification Board.  This certification requires individuals meet additional requirements, including passing a national examination and verification of extensive course work.

    • In Clay County school psychological services are provided by a staff of 20 who offer vital testing, crisis counseling, and consultative services to every school in the district on a weekly itinerant basis.  Each year, thousands of students are evaluated for various Exceptional Student Education programs, while many more are reached indirectly through consultation with teachers and parents.

Many School Psychologists are also involved in....

  • Developing early identification and intervention programs.

  • Giving in-service presentations to teachers and other related professionals.

  • Speaking to Parent Faculty Associations (PFAs) and other interested civic groups.

  • Developing school-related preventative mental health programs.

  • Participating in research, development, and evaluation projects.

  • Acting as a child advocate.

  • Supervising interns and/or other School Psychologists.

  • Crisis Intervention Team Members intervene during times of crisis as leaders and team members.  School Psychologists work with school personnel to help establish programs that promote school safety on district and building levels.

  • School Psychologists may participate in any combination of activities.  They serve children, parents and teachers in accordance with their professional orientation, training, capabilities, experience, and particular areas of interest.

Your School Psychologist is trained to help you by.....

  • Assisting teachers in developing classroom strategies with students whose learning skills, abilities, or social/emotional adjustment interferes with the educational process.

  • Consulting with parents, teachers, and students about school-related problems such as motivation, peer relations, interests, study skills, creativity, and child management techniques.

  • Assessing the intellectual, academic, and emotional strengths and weaknesses of students.  This is accomplished through the use of individual testing, direct observation and interviews.

  • Discussing children’s individual characteristics and interpreting test results with parents and school personnel in an effort to help everyone understand each student more fully.

  • Working with school specialists in planning and evaluating individualized educational programs for students in need.  The School Psychologist may help formulate general goals, specific objectives, and the criteria to determine mastery.

  23 South Green Street     

Green Cove Springs, FL 32043