Synergy Information

For Parents

Synergy is the district's student information system and will be your source for all of your student's academic information. Synergy's secure mobile app and parent web portal, ParentVUE, will provide information about your student's progress including class grades, attendance, and assessments. 

Please click on the links below for additional information:

For Students

Students should login to the OneClay Portal to access CCDS applications, including Synergy. If a password has expired, the OneClay Portal will prompt the user to update the password. The user will need to enter a new password and retype it as confirmation. Once submitted, that will be the new password. The user will use the new password to login to Google and the OneClay Portal (online resources).

If the student has forgotten their username or password, please contact the student's school for school staff to reset the student's password.
The Synergy StudentVUE mobile application is now available for CCDS students. 

Please click on the links below for additional information.