Visiting A School
The Department of Safety and Security understands that it may seem inconvenient but the procedures for visiting Clay County District Schools and Charter Schools are there to insure the safety and security of the students, staff, and public who are on campus. Please follow all the security directions by personnel, administration, officers and signs while visiting.
To make your experience more effective and positive, we ask that you take into consideration the following tips:
Know Your Student
If possible please be prepared with your student's full legal name, school and teacher's name.
Be On The List
Be sure you are already on the approved/authorized parent guardian pick-up list. The school personnel cannot share ANY information or allow you to have any access to the student without being on this list. This especially includes student reunification following a school evacuation event.
Drive Slowly
Drive slowly and cautiously while on campus and within the school zones.
Please Park In The Correct Space
Please park your vehicle in the appropriate parking spaces provided to visitors and not in any areas designated for emergency responders, fire lanes, buses, NO PARKING, etc. Do not block and gates or access roads.
Always Check-In At The Front Office
Always check in at the front office/reception area and please have your government issued identification ready to present, if you intend to do any of the following:
Access the campus beyond the front reception area for ANY purpose
Deliver supplies, lunch, monies, homework, etc.
Conduct any volunteer services as an already authorized volunteer.
Conduct any contractor repair, maintenance, or construction services.
Make An Appointment
We know your time is important, so if you wish to meet specifically with any school personnel(administrators, staff, or, teachers) you must have an appointment so they can ensure the proper time has been allotted to address your concerns. School contact information can be found on the front page of the school website, or you can call the District Switchboard, 904-336-6500. They will be able to connect you to your school.
If you have any other questions involving access, please call the school before making the trip to be sure you have everything you need.