School Supplies
1 - box tissues 1 - plastic pencil box
1 - watercolor paint set
1 - pack washable markers
5 - boxes of 24 count crayons (Crayola)
1 - pack of Expo dry erase markers (black only)
1 - pair of safety scissors (Fiskars)
1 - clear plastic zipper 3-ring pencil pouch
1 - plastic folder with pockets & prongs
2 - packs of large pink erasers
20 - glue sticks (Elmer’s)
1 - pair of headphones (NOT earbuds)
First Grade (Do Not Label Supplies)
1 - pair earbuds/headphones
1 - nylon pencil pouch (no pencil boxes)
2 - packs fine tip dry erase markers
2 - 24 pack of #2 pencils (prefer Ticonderoga)
1 - pair of scissors (Fiskars)
2 - highlighters
4 - boxes of 24 count crayons (Crayola)
15 - glue sticks (Elmer's
1 - Clorox/Lysol wipes
1 - composition book
1 - spiral notebook
1 - Clear plastic zipper pencil pouch
1 - plastic folder 3 prongs with pockets (any color)
Second Grade
2 - packs No. 2 pencils
1 - ream of copy paper
1 - pack yellow highlighters
1 - pack pencil erasers
4 - large glue sticks
1 - anti-bacterial wipes
1 - 4 pack dry erase markers
1 - 12” ruler
1 - pair of scissors (Fiskars)
1 - pkg. colored pencils
2 - packs of 24 count crayons
1 - 1 inch binder
1 - composition notebook
1 - pkg. page protectors
1 - plastic school box
4 -plastic folders
3 prongs/pockets-blue,yellow,red,green
2 - packs wide-ruled loose leaf notebook paper
1 - box tissues
1 - Hand sanitizer/soap
1 - pair of headphones *optional
Third Grade
1 - pair of earbuds or headphones
2 - extra large pencil pouches
1 - 1 ½” binder
4 - folders with pockets & prongs
1 - hand sanitizer/soap
4 - composition notebooks
1 - pack page protectors
1-small white board (9”x12”)
1 - ream of copy paper
4 - packs #2 pencils/pre-sharpened
2 - packs of 24 count crayons
1 - 12” ruler
2 - packs of pink pearl erasers
1 - Clorox Wipes
2 – pairs of scissors
1 - box of tissues
2 - packs dry erase markers
2- dry erasers
4 – large glue sticks
1 - pack yellow highlighters
1 - box of gallon size bags (boys)
1 - box of quart (or sandwich) size bags (girls)
Fourth Grade
1 - zipper pouch (no school boxes)
4 - 4 pack black dry erase markers
2 - yellow highlighters
5 - plastic folders (3 prong with pockets)
(red, blue, green, yellow & purple)
1- pack of Post-it-notes (assorted colors)
2 - packs wide-ruled notebook paper
3 - packs of #2 pencils (No mechanical)
4 - composition books
1 - pack 25 sheet protectors
2 - 2 pack large glue sticks
2 - pack 24 crayons
1 - pair earbuds or headphones
1 - pair scissors
2 - pack of colored pencils
2 - pack pink erasers
1 - pencil sharpener that collects shavings
Fifth Grade:
4 - plastic folders with pockets & prongs (blue, purple, orange & green)
4 - 1” binders (no smaller - no bigger)
1 - pair of scissors
4 - packs of 24 #2 pencils
4 - spiral notebooks
1 - nylon zipper pouch (No school boxes)
1 - 12 pack of colored pencils
1 - pack of highlighters (yellow)
3 - large glue sticks
1 - pair earbuds/headphones
3 - packs of Expo Dry Erase Markers
1 - package of 3 regular erasers or pencil cap erasers
1- pack of 25 sheet protectors
Sixth Grade
2 - packs wide-ruled notebook paper
4 - packs of 24 #2 pencils
Highlighters (yellow, blue, green)
Cap erasers
Zipper pencil pouch (No school boxes)
4 - large glue sticks
2 - sets of colored pencils (No markers)
2 - packs of Post It Notes (3 x 3)
4 - Composition notebooks (ELA, math, science, social studies)
4 – PLASTIC folders with pockets & PRONGS as listed
blue (Language Arts); yellow (Social Studies);
red (Math); green (Science)
1 -pair earbuds (for Chromebook)
2 - 1 inch binders
1 - pack of 25 sheet protectors