School Information

Clay High School

Clay High School

Our Vision Statement

It is the vision of Clay High School and the School District of Clay County to prepare life-long learners for success in a global and competitive workplace and in acquiring applicable life skills. 

Our Mission Statement

Clay High School's mission is to provide a quality education and motivate students to develop and excel in academics, technology, and social interaction in a caring and safe environment that fosters responsible citizens. 

Contact Information:

2025 Hwy 16 W, Green Cove Springs, FL, 32043 

Phone: 904-336-7175

Guidance/Student Records Fax:   904-336-7181

Clinic Records Fax: 904-336-7180

School Hours:

Office Hours: 

Monday - Friday

​7:00 - 2:30

Student Hours: 

7:20 am to 1:40 pm

Wednesday early release is at 1:20 p.m.