No rolling backpacks Plastic pencil box 5 x 8 12 #2 plain yellow wood pencils/ sharpened 8 boxes- 24 count Crayola crayons Washable thick markers 1 pair Scissors (blunt tip) 2 pink erasers White Boards (dry erase)
8” x 11”--close/near this size, please NO LARGE WHITE BOARDS 2 packs dry erase markers (approx. 8-10) 1- 1” 3 ring binder 1 pkg. 50 clear, plastic page protectors 2 composition notebook 8 large glue sticks 2 pocket folders with brads 1 pkg. Sticky Notes 1 box of tissues Lysol disinfecting wipes 1 roll of paper towels Headphones labeled with student name (No earbuds). Students may NOT share.
| No rolling backpacks FIE Daily Agenda (Purchase on campus) Plastic school box (5”x 8”) Headphones labeled with a student name (No earbuds). 24 - #2 Ticonderoga pencils (Sharpened) 4 boxes - 24 count Crayola crayons 8 large glue sticks 2 pink erasers 1 pair Fiskar Scissors 1 box - 10 count Crayola washable markers 2 – 1” Clearview, 3 ring binders 4 pkg. – skinny Expo dry erase markers- black 4- plastic pocket folder w/ brads / 1 each of red, yellow, green, blue 1- pkg heavy duty clear page protectors 1- 9x12 personal white dry erase board 1 box tissues 1 roll paper towels 1 container disinfecting wipes
| No rolling backpacks Please, DO NOT put name on supplies FIE Daily Agenda (Purchase on campus) Headphones, labeled with the student's name. Students may NOT share. Large Zippered Pencil Pouch 3 boxes - 24 count Crayola crayons 12 glue sticks 2 boxes #2 pencils (sharpened) 2 large pink erasers Fiskars scissors 4 yellow highlighters 4 pkg. Expo dry erase markers 2 spiral notebook (wide ruled) 2 pocket folders w/ brads
1 red, 1 yellow | FIE Daily Agenda (Purchase on campus) Headphones or earbuds, labeled with the student's name. Students may NOT share. Large Zippered Pencil Pouch 4 packages #2 Pre-Sharpened Pencils 1 box crayons OR 1 pack of colored pencils 2 highlighters Red checking pens 2 packs 4 dry erase markers 4 large glue sticks Scissors 2 composition books 2- 1” 3 ring binder 1 pack of 8 dividers 3 prong pocket folder (yellow, green, red) 1 Container Disinfecting wipes Girls- 1 box Kleenex Boys- 1 roll of paper towels
| No rolling backpacks FIE Daily Agenda (Purchase on campus) Headphones, labeled with a student name. Students may NOT share. Dry eraser 4 pkg. Pre-sharpened #2 Pencils 1- 24 pkg. crayons 1-16 count colored pencils 2 large soft pink erasers 2 highlighters 1 pkg. checking Pens 1 pkg Black Expo dry erase markers Protractor 4 glue sticks Scissors 2 pkg. wide ruled notebook paper 1 composition Book (Not spiral) 1 package of 8 dividers 1 1.5” clear view binder 3- pocket folders w/brads green, blue, yellow 1 Container disinfecting wipes 1 box Kleenex 1 pack of 25 sheet protectors
Optional Art Resource Supplies | Optional Art Resource Supplies | Optional Art Resource Supplies | Optional Art Resource Supplies | Optional Art Resource Supplies |