School Supplies
Grade | Supplies |
Kindergarten | 2 sturdy headphones (no wireless/bluetooth), 1 set of Crayola markers (basic colors), 4 boxes of Crayola crayons (24 count), 24 #2 sharpened pencils, 24 Elmer’s glue sticks, Primary Handwriting Journal, Fiskar scissors, 1 4-pk of yellow highlighters, 2 plastic pencil boxes, 1 ream of copy paper, 1 labeled backpack. Optional: Box of tissues, baby wipes, cleaning wipes, 2 cans of playdough, hand sanitizer, Ziploc bags (gallon/sandwich), colored copy paper, paper towels, Elmer’s liquid glue. Art Supply list Baby wipes |
1st Grade | 2 sets headphones (must have), 4 boxes Crayola crayons (24 count), 24 #2 sharpened pencils, 1 primary composition book, scissors (pointed), pencil/supply box, 1 watercolor set, 2 packs of cap/pink erasers, 18 glue sticks, 1 set of markers, 2 packs of 8 dry erase markers, 2 packs of white copy paper, 2 cans of playdough. Optional: Hand sanitizer, tissues, baby wipes, paper towels, Ziploc bags, colored paper, treasure box items (Skittles, M&Ms, Air-Heads). Art Supply list 1 24-pack pre-sharpened pencils |
2nd Grade | 4 dozen #2 pencils (sharpened), 1 box of crayons (24 count), 1 pack of colored pencils, 1 set of markers, small supply box, 1 plastic folder with pockets, 2 wide-ruled composition notebooks, 2 packs of 8 dry erase markers, 1 small pack of red pens, 1 small pack of thin yellow highlighters, 1 ream of white copy paper. Optional: Cleaning wipes, tissues, paper towels, Ziploc bags (quart/gallon), additional Expo markers, erasers for Expo markers, treasure box items (M&Ms, Blow Pops). Art Supply list 2 containers of playdough |
3rd Grade | 2 highlighters, 2 dozen #2 pre-sharpened pencils, 1 composition journal, 6 large white erasers, 2 packs of white cap erasers, 1 box of colored pencils, 1 box of markers, 1 box of crayons, 2 boxes of black Expo markers, 3 2-pocket folders, 1 pronged folder, 4 glue sticks, 1 ream of copy paper. Optional: Sticky notes, tissues, Clorox wipes, Ziploc bags, reward candy (Air-Heads, Skittles), paper towels. Art Supply list Elmers washable liquid glue (4 oz bottles |
4th Grade | 4 composition notebooks, 4 folders (red, yellow, green, student choice), 1 box of glue sticks, 3x5 index cards, 1 box of black Expo markers, 1 ream of copy paper, 2 boxes of sharpened pencils, 2 highlighters, 1 box of crayons or colored markers, 2 packs of erasers. Optional: Clorox wipes, tissues, hand sanitizer, treasure box items (Jolly Ranchers, Gold Fish), additional dry erase markers. Art Supply list 1 pack Crayola broad-line markers |
5th Grade | 5 plastic folders with prongs, 2 composition books, lined notebook paper (not college ruled), pink erasers, 1 dozen #2 pencils, colored pencils, 2 sets of headphones/earbuds, basic calculator (non-scientific), 1 composition notebook, 3 2-pocket pronged folders, Expo marker 4-pack, 2 boxes of tissues. Optional: Sticky notes, disinfecting wipes, Ziploc bags (quart/gallon), extra pencils, erasers for Expo markers, dry erase markers, hand sanitizer. Art Supply list Pack of uncoated white paper plates |
6th Grade | 5 plastic folders with pockets and prongs (red, yellow, blue, green, orange), 2 composition books, lined notebook paper, pink erasers, 1 dozen #2 pencils, colored pencils, 1 calculator (non-scientific), Expo marker 4-pack, 2 boxes of tissues, durable wired headphones/earbuds. Optional: Wireless mouse, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, 3x3 Post-it notes, treasure box items (Air-Heads, Blow Pops), additional copy paper. Art Supply list Quart or gallon Ziploc bags |