Advanced Placement

Welcome to Oakleaf High School's Advanced Placement Program. Here you will find information for current and potential program participants.

  • Taking AP courses and exams in high school could give you an advantage in college by letting you:

  • Your AP Exam score could earn you college credits and let you skip introductory courses before you even set foot on campus.

  • Earning credit or placement can open up time on your schedule or even let you graduate early.

  • “AP” on your high school transcript shows colleges that you're motivated to succeed, and taking the exam demonstrates your commitment to tackle and complete college-level work.

  • Earning college credit with AP can give you the flexibility to change majors, pursue a second degree, study abroad, or seek internships

Program Coordinators

AP Testing Coordinator:

AP Coordinator:

Important Information 


  • FSA Reading Score level 2 or above

  • Teacher Recommendation

  • Good attendance and discipline

Classes Offered:

Admission Timeline

Course Selection Sheets are due now. If you have any questions about classes see any of the AP teachers.

AP College Board Website:

Connect AP to Majors and Careers:

Helpful Links:

AP Knights Open House Slideshow