Advanced Placement
Welcome to Oakleaf High School's Advanced Placement Program. Here you will find information for current and potential program participants.
Taking AP courses and exams in high school could give you an advantage in college by letting you:
Your AP Exam score could earn you college credits and let you skip introductory courses before you even set foot on campus.
Earning credit or placement can open up time on your schedule or even let you graduate early.
“AP” on your high school transcript shows colleges that you're motivated to succeed, and taking the exam demonstrates your commitment to tackle and complete college-level work.
Earning college credit with AP can give you the flexibility to change majors, pursue a second degree, study abroad, or seek internships
Program Coordinators
AP Testing Coordinator:
Amanda Propst
AP Coordinator:
Jay Kilgore
Important Information
FSA Reading Score level 2 or above
Teacher Recommendation
Good attendance and discipline
Classes Offered:
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB/BC
AP Chemistry
AP Seminar
AP Spanish Language and Composition
AP Statistics
Admission Timeline
Course Selection Sheets are due now. If you have any questions about classes see any of the AP teachers.
AP College Board Website:
Connect AP to Majors and Careers:
Helpful Links:
AP Knights Brochure
AP Knights Open House Slideshow