School Activities

Grades 2nd - 6th
We practice every Thursday after school until 4pm. Students can audition at the beginning of the year to be considered for the drama club. You can try out for three different areas in drama club: actor, dancer, or stage crew. We have a performance at the end of the year and we take several field trips throughout the year.
Sponsor(s): Mary Elrod
Room Stage
Dues $40 actor/dancer $30 stage crew
Math Team

Grades 4th - 6th
Students nominated by their teachers, take a math placement test, 6 are chosen for each grade level. Compete in a math field day in April.
Teams meet Wednesday mornings (grade 4) before school and Mondays
Sponsors(s): Brad Smith -5, Lisa Hurlock-4, Stan Abramowich-6
Room 702, 219, 706
Dues $10 cost of math team shirt

Grades 3rd - 6th
Chorus is an opportunity for our students to continue to develop and hone their vocal skills. Our Chorus students have several opportunities to perform in and around the community. Our rehearsals are typically Tuesday mornings at 7:45.
Sponsors(s): Jared McGregor
Room 301
Dues $55

Grades 4th - 6th
The Robotics Team is an opportunity for our students to continue to develop and hone their robotics skills. The Robotics competes in the Robotic Rumble and other robotics competitions within the community.
Practices are Monday and Thursdays after school.
Sponsors(s): Robin Schaus
Room 300
Dues $0
News Team

Grades 4th - 6th
News Team is an opportunity for our students to continue to develop and hone their journalism skills. Our News Team students produce a news show that is shown daily. They also produce a variety of film shows that are submitted to the Jim Harbin Media Festival at the local level. Many of our students progress to the regional and state competitions. News Team meets Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7:45.
Sponsors(s): Patricia Kidd
Room Media Center
Dues $0
Safety Patrols

Grades 5th - 6th
Responsible students help throughout campus daily to keep students safe. Meetings will be held the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30.. They have to maintain grades and attendance. Field trip at the end of year trip.
Sponsors(s): Mary Elrod and Nicole Addie
Room 729
Dues $20 Field trips paid as needed
Track Team

Grades 4th - 6th
Track and Field is an opportunity for our students to continue to develop and hone their athletic skills. Track and Field participants compete at the Annual CCDS Track Meet during the late Spring. Practices are held after school once tryouts have been held and team members are selected.
Sponsors(s): Alan Brown and Dawn Brancaccio
Room Building 25
Dues $0
Basketball Team

Grades 6th
Basketball is an opportunity for our students to continue to develop and hone their athletic skills. Basketball participants compete at the Annual CCDS 6th grade BB Meet during the late Fall. Practices are held before school once tryouts have been held and team members are selected.
Sponsors(s): Alan Brown and Dawn Brancaccio
Room Building 25
Dues $0
Anchored for Life

Grades 4th - 5th
Meets once a month after school until 3:30.
Sponsors(s): Mindy Beane
Room P-909
Dues $0
Explorer Magic

Grades 5th - 6th
Mondays after school until 4:30 with Mr. Corbett
Sponsors(s): Chris
Room 725
Dues $0