Supply List


5- Crayola Crayons (24 ct. box)

1- pack of sharpened # 2 pencils (Ticonderoga Preferred)

2- rectangular pink eraser

12- Expo Markers (fine tip/black)

24- Elmer’s glue sticks 

1- pair FISKARS scissors

2- plastic folder 3-prongs & pockets (any color)

1- spiral notebook (any color)

1- plastic pencil box (regular size)

2- Playdough (4 oz.)

1- 8-color watercolor palette

1- ream of copy paper

1- 3 ring zippered pencil pouch (clear view window)

1- over the ear headphones (NO EARBUDS/NO WIRELESS)

1- box of tissues

1-container of disinfectant wipes

Boys- sandwich Ziploc bags   Girls- Gallon Ziploc bags

*Please place all school supplies in a standard size

backpack & bring them to orientation

Second Grade

2- #2 pencils (12 ct.)

4- boxes 24 count crayons

4- large glue sticks

1- pencil box

1- pair safety scissors

1- plastic, red 3-pronged folder with pockets

1- plastic, black 3-pronged folder with pockets 

1- composition notebooks (No spiral notebooks please)

12- BLACK Expo dry-erase markers

1- pair of headphones (back-up pair encouraged)

2- rectangular pink erasers

1- ream of copy paper

Wish List Items- Clorox Wipes, Tissues, Paper Towels, Extra ream of copy paper

Fourth Grade

2- composition books

3 -large glue sticks

4- 12-pack of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga or USA Gold)

1- scissors

1- pack dry erase (Expo) markers

1- pack of 12 colored pencils

1- plastic three-prong folders w/pockets

1- large zipper pencil pouch

1- ream copy paper

1- earbuds in a labeled Ziploc bag

**Please no Trapper Keeper style binders**

Wish List Items- paper towels, Kleenex, Clorox wipes

First Grade

4- boxes of #2 pencils(Ticonderoga sharpened preferred)

5- boxes of crayons (24 ct.) (Crayola)

1- pack of colored pencils (Crayola)

12- small glue stick

4- pink rectangle erasers

2- pair safety scissors

1- red & 1 green plastic 3-prong folder with prongs & pockets

2- yellow highlighters

8- Expo markers (fine tip/black)

1- zippered pencil pouches with grommets

1- plastic pencil box (no locks)

2- 4 oz. playdough

1- headphones (NO EARBUDS) 

Wish List: Tissues, Clorox Wipes, hand soap, sandwich sized Ziploc bags, paper towels

Third Grade

1 - pack of wide ruled notebook paper 

2- 100-page wide ruled composition notebooks (no spirals)

3- plastic folders with pockets and prongs (1 red & 2 yellow)

1- 1 inch hard 3-ring binders 

1- pair round tip scissors

1- ream of copy paper 

4- 12pk Ticonderoga brand #2 pencils

1- pk white hi-polymer bar erasers

2- large glue sticks

1- pack of thin highlighters 

2- boxes of 24-count crayons

1- extra-large zippered pencil pouch

1- pack of 4 thin, black dry-erase markers

1- pair of headphones w/case or bag 

Wish List: Clorox Wipes, Hand Sanitizer,  Lysol Spray

*Teacher Specific List at Meet the teacher*

Fifth Grade

4 - (12 pack) of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga or USA Gold)

6 - large glue sticks

2 - packs of Expo Markers

1 -24 pack of colored pencils (Crayola)

1 - pair of safety scissors

1 - pencil pouch (no boxes)

1 - ream of copy paper (500ct)

5 - composition books (100 pages)

2- packs of wide ruled notebook paper

4 - folders with 3 prongs and pockets

2 - set of earbuds

*Please no Trapper Keeper style binders*

Wish List Items- hand sanitizer, Clorox Wipes, tissues

Sixth Grade

24 packs of crayons or colored pencils

2 pack of yellow highlighters

2- 1 inch binder with pockets (math & history)

4 pack of dividers (math)

6 - composition books 

2 - plastic folder (history & science)

2 - black sharpies 

4 - glue sticks

1 - pair of scissors

2- (24 pack)  #2 pencils

1 - pencil pouch

1 - pack of Post-it Notes

1 - pack of index cards 3x5

1 - pack of index cards and 4x6

1 - pack clear tape

2 - (4) packs of fine point dry erase markers (math/social studies)

1 - pair of Earbuds/headphones

Wish List Item: hand sanitizer, tissues

Mrs. Hamilton/Mrs.Beane

1 - school supply zipper pouch

3 - boxes of 16-count crayons

2 - packs #2 pencils (12 counts)

2- packs colored pencils

1- pack of markers

4 - packs of Expo dry erase markers

1 - pair safety scissors

2- packs of 4 glue ticks

1- pack of 4 highlighters

2- 4x6 post-it pads

1 - composition notebook

1- ream of copy paper 

1- 1 inch 3 ring binder

1 - change of clothes

Wish List Item: hand sanitizer, tissues, paper towels, dish soap, Ziploc baggies (quart or gallon), colored cardstock paper

Mrs. St. Peter/Mrs. Jackson

2- 1 inch 3-ring binder with clear pocket front

1- blue plastic 3-prong folder with pockets

1- school supply box or zipper pouch

1- pack of colored pencils

2- pack 3x5 index cards

1- pack of 6 ct. glue sticks

8- fine tip Expo markers

1- headset/headphones

1- pair safety scissors

2- 12 pack Ticonderoga brand #2 pencils (no mechanical)

1- ream copy paper

1- set of 5 tab dividers

1- pack highlighters

Wish List Item: Clorox/Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, paper towels, tissues, paper plates


1- box 16 count Crayola crayons

4- Expo dry-erase markers

1- 4 packs of Play-doh (they come as a set)

2- package Baby Wipes (for hands and face)

1- change of clothes ( in zip lock bag w/ child's name)

1- blanket for naptime & 1- water bottle

2- rolls of paper towels & 2- boxes of Kleenex

1-Clorox wipes & 1-Lysol spray

1- package of paper plates (no styrofoam)

1- hand sanitizer & 1- hand soap refill

2- large glue sticks

1- clear view binder (1 inch)

*Diapers/Pull-Ups and wipes (only if needed for your child)



All Student: Scissors, glue sticks, pencils & erasers

K - 2: Crayons(preferably Crayola)

3 -6: Colored Pencils

Technology- Headphones

Media- Headphones

STEM- Headphones, Crayons(preferably Crayola), glue sticks, scissors, colored pencils, and erasers

PE- sneakers (no crocs)

Music- 4th graders need $7 for a recorder (at orientation)

Mrs. Hall

4- Pencils, #2 Yellow/Wood with Erasers, Ticonderoga, 12 Pack

4- Glue Sticks, large

1- 4 pack EXPO Dry Erase Markers

1- pencil bag

1- Colored Pencils, 24 Count

1- Scissors

3- Composition Notebooks

2- Pocket Folders, with Prongs/Brads (one red one yellow)

2- Earbuds or headphones

1-  one inch binder

2- packs college rule paper

3- Hand Sanitizers wish list item

1- Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (bleach free), Canister(s), 

1- Box(es) of Facial Tissues, Wish List item

We encourage students to bring a water bottle.

All students will need headphones.

General wish list items for all classrooms: Kleenex tissue, hand sanitizer, &  disinfecting wipes.