School Supply List 24-25
1 Pair metal Fiskar scissors, blunt
1 Box 10 ct Crayola markers (Classic Colors)
6 Boxes 24 ct Crayola crayons
2 Pkgs of EXPO markers
2 Pink oblong erasers
1 Plastic Pencil box
2 cans of Play-Doh (4 oz cans)
36 Elmer’s glue sticks
2 Pkgs of printer paper
1 Spiral notebook (Wide Ruled)
1 Composition book (Wide Ruled)
1 Mead Primary writing journal (½ page pic space, ½ page lined)
3-4 Packs #2 yellow pencils (Ticonderoga Preferred) Please Sharpen
1 Pair Over-the-ear headphones (No Earbuds Half inch (½) Binder with Clear Front
Please place all school supplies in a standard size backpack and bring them to orientation.
Optional Donation Items: -
Hand Sanitizer
Gallon size Ziploc Bags -Snack size Ziploc Bags
Baby Wipes
Clorox Wipes
Bottle Soap
Sheet Protectors
Colored Construction Paper
Folders with Prongs
First Grade
4 Boxes 24 ct Crayola crayons
1 Pair metal Fiskar scissors
12 Small Elmer’s glue sticks
48 #2 Pencils (yellow/Sharpened)
4 Pk pink oblong erasers
1 Small plastic Pencil box
2 WIDE RULED composition books
2 Mead Primary writing journals
4 Vinyl Folders w/ pockets & prongs(1 yellow, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green)
1 Pair Over-the-ear headphones (No Earbuds)
2 box of EXPO dry erase markers for student use (4 colors, std size)
*Please place all school supplies in a standard size backpack and bring on first day of school
Optional Donation Items:
Hand Sanitizer
Ziploc Bags
Clorox Wipes
Bottle Soap
Baby Wipes
Paper Towels
Ream of Astrobright Paper
Construction paper
Extra pencils
Second Grade
4 Pks #2 yellow Pencils 24 ct (SHARPENED - No Mechanical)
4 Boxes 24 ct Crayola crayons
8 Glue sticks
2 Pairs of scissors (Pointed)
4 Pk pink oblong erasers
2 Composition books
2 Pocket folders - with prongs/fasteners
2 Three ring zipper pouches (No Plastic School Boxes)
1 Headphones (These may need to be replaced during the year.)
1 Ruler - inches and centimeters
Expo Markers
*Please place all school supplies in a standard size backpack and bring on first day of school.
Optional Donation Items:
Hand Sanitizer
Ziploc Bags
Clorox Wipes
Bottle Soap
Baby Wipes
Paper Towels
Expo Markers,
Ream of Astrobright Paper
Pencil Pouches
Third Grade
4 Composition Notebooks
48 #2 Pencils (Sharpened)
1 Pencil pouch
4 Plastic Pocket Folders w/prongs (red, green, blue, yellow)
8 LARGE glue sticks
2 Pks Cap Erasers
2 Pks Expo markers
(Thin Preferred)
1 Pack Colored Pencils
1 Pair scissors
1 Pk red pens
1 Highlighter
1 Pk Index Cards
1 Pk Post It Notes
1 Ream Copy Paper
1 Pair headphones for your child to use in class.
*Please place all school supplies in a standard size backpack and bring on first day of school
Optional Donation
Hand Sanitizer -Kleenex
Ziploc Bags
Clorox Wipes
Bottle Soap
Paper Towels
Fourth Grade
3 plastic pocket folders w/prongs (red, blue and yellow)
4 composition books 50 #2 Pencils (sharpened)
2 pks copy paper
2 pks Expo markers
1 pk pink erasers
1 pencil pouch
1 pk glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
1 set of colored pencils
1 pair of headphones (required-not bluetooth or battery)
*Please label and place all school supplies in a standard size backpack and bring on first day of school.
Optional Donation Items:
Hand Sanitizer
Clorox Wipes
Paper Towels
Ziploc Bags
Bottle Soap
Fifth Grade
3 Composition books
1 - 1" binders with clear plastic covers
2 Folders - w/ prongs & pockets
1 Pkg Colored Pencils or crayons
1 Pk Highlighters (Different Colors)
1 Pkg Binder tabs
2 Pks 3x5 index cards
4 Boxes #2 Pencils
1 Pks cap erasers
1 Pencil pouch
1 Pkg 2 glue sticks
2 Pack copy paper
8 Expo markers for student whiteboards
1 Headphones (required)
*Please place all school supplies in a standard size backpack and bring on first day of school.
Optional Donation Items:
Post-it notes, tissues, Paper towels, Clorox wipes, Extra copy paper, Extra pencils
Sixth Grade
2 - 2’’ Binder w/clear cover
1 Pkg Binder tabs
1 Pkg Highlighters
4 Pks #2 Pencils
2 Pks Notebook paper
1 Folders w/ pockets
3 Composition notebooks
1 Graph Composition book
1 Pencil pouch
2 Pkg Cap Erasers
2 Pkg Glue sticks
1 Calculator (4 function)
1 Pack of Crayola Colored Pencils
1 Pack of Crayola Markers
1 Pkg Expo markers required for student use
1 Headphones (required)
1 Pack copy paper
*Please place all school supplies in a standard size backpack and bring on first day of school.
Optional Donation Items:
Hand Sanitizer, Kleenex, Ziploc Bags, Clorox Wipes, Bottle Soap, Paper Towels
Multi Grade
Mrs. F. Hadus
1 Pack copy paper
1 pair of scissors
1 pk of glue sticks
1 Pk Crayons OR
1 Pk Color Pencils
1 Pk of Pencils
1 Pencil Box
1 Box tissue
1 Pk Dry erasers
1 Pair of Headphones
1 Student Water Bottle
1 folder w/prongs / Any color
1 Ruler (inches/Centimeters)
Optional Donation Items:
Hand Sanitizer, Clorox Wipes, Bottle Soap, Paper Towels, Astrobright Paper, Expo Markers, Baby Wipes