Montessori Announcements

Application Information 2025 -2026

Transition Powerpoint for students moving to LE and UE. 

  • The application window is January 6-March 7.  Application Link

  • A Parent Information Night will be held on January 21st in the Swimming Pen Creek Cafeteria from 6:00-7:00

  • A program tour is strongly suggested prior to finalizing an application.  Montessori is different from teacher-led classrooms, and parental understanding and involvement is vital. Application priority will be given to students whose families attend a tour and the Parent Information night.

  • Tours will be held at 9:00 am on January 28th, 29th, February 7th, and February 11th. 

Associated Fees for 3 and 4 year olds enrolling in the program:

3 Year Olds- $370 Monthly (August-May) 

4 Year Olds (VPK)- $190 Monthly (August-May)*

* Students in our 4 year-old (VPK) program must have their VPK certificate/voucher on file. Montessori VPK is a full-day program. Students must obtain a Clay County VPK Certificate of Eligibility by registering online at:

All Students Accepted to the Montessori Program Must:

Upon acceptance into the SPC Montessori Program, there is a contract that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of students, parents, administration and teachers within the SPC Montessori Program. By signing this agreement, all parties acknowledge their commitment to upholding the principles and practices of the Montessori approach and creating a positive learning environment. All parties understand that as a school choice program, continued enrollment is not guaranteed, and the student may be returned to their districted school should any party not uphold their agreement. 

Student Agreement

As a student in the SPC Montessori Program, I agree to:

  • Maintain a respectful attitude toward my peers, teachers, and school in all environments (classrooms, before/after care, bathrooms, cafeteria, recess, field trips, dismissal, etc.).

  • Work with increasing levels of responsibility, independence, and interdependence.

  • Be self-motivated, disciplined, and focused on my learning activities.

  • Avoid disruptive or destructive behavior.

  • Follow classroom procedures and use materials appropriately.

  • Exhibit creativity, time management, and organization in my work.

  • Participate actively and cooperatively in group and individual tasks.

  • Respect and uphold the philosophy of the Montessori program.

  • Adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, including the dress code.

Parent/Guardian Agreement

As a parent/guardian, I agree to:

  • Ensure my child upholds, and shows (by my example) support of, the Clay County District School’s Student Code of Conduct, including attendance requirements for the county and Voluntary Pre-kindergarten Early Learning Coalition requirements.

  • Support the Montessori philosophy and practices at home.

  • Foster my child’s independence by ensuring they are fully potty-trained and capable of communicating or acting upon their need to use the restroom (initial next to all below):

  • My child can communicate the need to use the restroom _____

  • My child can independently dress themselves (with the exception of zippers and buttons) _____

  • My child can independently wipe themselves _____

  • Attend school functions such as meet-the-teacher events, open houses, parent-teacher conferences, and Montessori workshops/parent nights.

  • Volunteer in school activities when possible, such as field trips or field day.

  • Provide my child with the appropriate supplies throughout the year.

  • Adhere to payment schedules (for 3-yo and 4-yo/VPK programs) and ensure all fees are submitted on time.

Teacher Agreement

As a teacher in the SPC Montessori Program, I agree to:

  • Provide developmentally appropriate lessons that encourage curiosity, independence, and a love of learning.

  • Model and foster a classroom environment of respect, cooperation, and self-discipline in all interactions.

  • Serve as a role model for positive character development for students.

  • Communicate with parents regularly to provide updates on student progress and development and conference with parents as needed.

  • Offer individualized and self-paced learning pathways to support each child’s unique growth and development. 

  • Plan thoroughly for all subject areas that I teach.

  • Principal Agreement

  • As an administrator of the SPC Montessori Program, I agree to:

  • Provide a school of which you can be proud to send your child.

  • Hire the most capable employees to ensure success.

  • Listen to your concerns/input.

  • Stand for only the highest expectations.

  • Be equally fair to all children/families.

  • Keep students first in every decision I make.

  • Model leadership, organization, and respect in all interactions.
