School Activities

Art Club

Art Club


5th and 6th Grade

Students will work together with Ms. Williams on building their capacity and knowledge of multiple platforms of art using a variety of techniques and materials.

Sponsor(s): Kirsten Williams

Room P. 2

Dues N/A

Tiger Club

    Tiger Club


5th and 6th Grade

Tiger Club is a character-building program for nominated boys and girls in grades 5 and 6.  The purpose of this program is to develop lifelong learners and leaders.  Students will meet twice a month working with mentors, guest speakers, and developing projects that will give back to their school and community.

Sponsors(s): Alaina Bell, Shamberley Payne and Eric Wright

Room Breezeway

Dues N/A

Earth Club

earth club logo


3rd-6th grade

The Earth Club is an after school club focused on the beautification of our school campus and conservation efforts.

Sponsors(s): Christine Sokolowski, Stephanie Clemons-Kirby, Michelle Cambron, Heather Boccieri, Corinne Johnson

Room 707

Dues N/A

Student Council

Student Council


4th, 5th and 6th Grades

Student Council is a group of elected students working together with an adult advisors to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student / faculty / community relations.

Sponsors(s): Christine Adams

Room P. 3

Dues $20

Anchored For Life

Anchored life logo



This program is designed to make a significant difference in military and civilian children's lives by offering positive support, encouragement, and life skills as they face many unique challenges. Anchored4Life will provide transition and resiliency life skills to schools, home school groups, and Child and Youth Programs.

Sponsors(s): Eric Wright, Shamberley Payne, and Shelley Rosen

Room Room 134

Dues N/A

TynesTrack Team

TynesTrack Team


4th-6th Grades

The track team will represent Tynes Elementary at the annual Clay County Track Meet

Sponsors(s): Ryan Campbell and Kayla Carter

Room P.63

Dues N/A




Grades 4th - 6th

Students will learn about vocal technique, performance etiquette, and working together to create music.  They will showcase these skills through several performance opportunities.  Rehearsals will be held on Tuesday mornings before school.

Sponsors(s): Megan Hines

Room P. 62

Dues $15

Safety Patrol

Safety Patrol


6th Grades

The safety patrol is both a leadership position as well as a way to help support school safety initiatives including our PBIS expectations of Tiger PRIDE across campus.  The patrol helps in the am with car riders and is responsible for maintaining the flags.

Sponsors(s): Jennifer Kennedy and Lasel Briggs

Room Media Center

Dues N/A


robotics team


4th-6th Grade

The purpose of the robotics club is for students to learn how to code and write commands for robots through play. By programming and controlling robots, students will step into the world of science, acquiring knowledge and skills that will be useful and applicable beyond the classroom.

Sponsors(s): Katina Byrd and Tina Jensen

Room P .6

Dues TBD

Depending on costs of t-shirt