Secondary Education
Welcome to Secondary Education!
The Secondary Education Department is designed to ensure the success of all secondary schools in Clay County by providing a framework of learning to innovate, engage and empower.
Email Treasure Pickett, Chief of Secondary
23 South Green Street, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
Phone: 904-336-6919
Secondary News
The mission of the Clay County School District is to inspire all learners to reach their highest potential as responsible, productive citizens. To accomplish this, the school district has developed the Code of Student Conduct to help students, parents, and school personnel understand the guidelines for maintaining a safe and orderly learning environment. The Clay County School Board expects students to conduct themselves with the greatest respect for self and others. Devices Policy FAQ.
The Clay Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization that works directly with educators and administration to improve public education in Clay County. Through innovative programming, grants, community partnerships, and events, we ensure that teachers and students have the resources they need to reach their full potential.